November 2019 Update

November 19, 2019

How time flies!

This post isn’t going to reveal anything new and exciting, sorry. It’s just a quick update for a long-overdue visit to this blog. The rocketry bug is starting to crawl around under my skin, and I’m possibly going to get back into the studio for some ‘refresher’ work with the available software. Need to dig out my copies of RockSim and OpenRocket, and attempt to get familiar with them again.

More to come…

A Number Of Updates…

December 26, 2017

It’s the very end of December, 2017, as I write this, and a lot has happened since the last post. The model rocketry community mourned the loss of SEMROC’s head honcho, Carl McLawhorn, to a massive heart attack just a few short years after the luncheon in Dallas. His passing took a lot more of the wind out of my sails in wanting to get active again in the hobby. Within a year of that event, SEMROC the company was sold to eRockets. I do think it’s in good hands, all things considered, but it’s just not the same without Carl.

The space community has had it’s own share of losses, too. We lost Neil Armstrong, Gene Cernan, and a few other Apollo-era veterans since the Apollo 7 anniversary. Just a few days ago as I write this, we lost Bruce McCandless. For those who might not remember, he was the CAPCOM for Apollo 11, and later was the iconic ‘human spaceship’ when he took the MMU out of the shuttle bay in February of 1984 for a non-tethered EVA stroll.

In my own life, a change of residence about two years ago has put still more of a squash on getting back into rocketry. The new place is smaller, and much of my building stuff is still where I parked it during the move — in boxes, stacked, where I cannot get to them easily. Even if I could, there’s no place to work on them or display them safely. Sigh…

Again from the ‘big space’ community, SpaceX finally achieved their goals of first landing a booster safely on a barge at sea, then on dry land back at the Cape. Now, they’ve re-flown a few of those boosters, proving the concept of reusability is not a myth. They’ve also re-flown a couple of Dragon capsules to the ISS. Coming up soon will be the first flight of the Falcon Heavy, using two previously-flown boosters for the strap-ons. Heard what the payload is going to be? Elon’s personal cherry red Tesla sportster. Yes, seriously. They’ve posted pictures of the car inside the massive fairing on a mount. Elon says it will be playing ‘Space Oddity’ during the long flight ahead. Destination? Mars orbit. A red car for the red planet. Gotta love the mind of Elon.

Where do I go from here? Don’t know. Maybe one day the bug will bite me again. Not any time soon, however.



It’s Been Too Long…

February 4, 2013

I’ve been out of active rocketry for over two years, doing other projects and dealing with life in general. The special project I was involved with back in 2008, building one of the Sat1B table centerpiece models for the luncheon in Dallas commemorating the 40th anniversary of Apollo 7, took a toll on my interest in building rockets. It was a rough eight weeks of details and painting, and I still haven’t developed a desire to get back in the swing of things yet. Currently, I’m doing more with RC airplanes, getting really into antique designs from the late ’20s through the end of the ’60s. I have three models in various stages of progress — A Cyril Shaw “Envoy”, a Vic Smeed “Mams’elle”, and a Keil Kraft “Falcon” — all being built from plans. Good therapy.

Master List 01-06-2012

January 7, 2012

In Alphabetical Order

  1. 1987 Estes Catalog Parts Demo
  2. 2009 Test Rocket A
  3. 2009 Test Rocket B
  4. 2009 Test Rocket C
  5. 0.44X Centuri Littler Hustler
  6. 0.56X Centuri Aero-Dart
  7. 1.3X Estes EAC Viper
  8. 1.36X Estes Scamp
  9. 1.36X Estes Wolverine
  10. 1.37X Centuri Akela-1
  11. 1.37X Centuri Javelin
  12. 1.37X Centuri Lance Corporal
  13. 1.37X Centuri Lancer
  14. 1.37X Centuri Micron
  15. 1.40X Centuri Scram Jet
  16. 1.37X Centuri Vector-V
  17. 1.41X Perpetrator
  18. 1.68X Estes Scamp
  19. 1.91X Estes Screamer
  20. 24mm AstroVision Booster #1
  21. 24mm AstroVision Booster #2
  22. 2X Estes Hawkeye
  23. 2X Estes SARK
  24. 2X Estes Goblin
  25. 3 Finset Simpleship
  26. 3-Stage Estes Omega
  27. 4″ Rhemus Upscale
  28. 5820 A
  29. 5820 B
  30. 5820 C
  31. 5820 D
  32. 5820 Ugly
  33. Upscale DOM Bumble Bee
  34. Upscale DOM Predicta
  35. Upscale DOM The Eagle
  36. Upscale DOM Equinox
  37. Upscale Estes Echostar
  38. Upscale Estes Fireaero
  39. Upscale Estes Monarch
  40. A

  41. A10-3T XFNC Challenger #1
  42. A10-3T XFNC Challenger #2
  43. A10-3T XFNC Challenger #3
  44. A10-3T XFNC Challenger #4
  45. A10-3T XFNC Challenger #5
  46. A10-3T XFNC Challenger TF
  47. AAA Magnum Nike-RAM
  48. Abrogator
  49. Accolyte
  50. ACE-400
  51. Aerobee 150 Booster
  52. Aerobee 150 Standard
  53. Aerobee 150 Standard with Booster
  54. Aerobee 150 RTV-N-8
  55. Aerobee 150 RV-N-13B
  56. Aerobee-Hi
  57. Aerobee-Hi 60
  58. Aiptek Mini PenCam 1.3 Booster
  59. AGS-6-D2
  60. Alchemy
  61. Alcubierre Demonstrator
  62. Alegro
  63. Allegis I
  64. Allegis II
  65. ALFA
  66. Al Nokkov
  67. Alpha Ex
  68. Alpha Goon
  69. Alpha Lancer 16
  70. Alpha Probe
  71. Altair
  72. Ambassador’s Transport
  73. Andromeda
  74. Angel Express Mk II
  75. Angel Express Mk III
  76. Angel Express Mk IV
  77. Anger Management
  78. Angstrom’s Arrow
  79. Annabelle
  80. Antares
  81. Anti Cyclone
  82. Anubis II
  83. Apokalypsis
  84. Arcturus
  85. Ardent
  86. Argent
  87. Argo
  88. Argo 18
  89. Argo 18 XL
  90. Argus II
  91. Arrow
  92. Arrowhead
  93. Arrow Head
  94. Ascender
  95. Ascender 29
  96. ASP
  97. Astro-13X
  98. Astro Ventura
  99. Astro Zipper
  100. Avante
  101. Avenging RAM
  102. Away & Beyond
  103. Azteca
  104. B

  105. Baby Cherokee
  106. Backyarder
  107. Ballista 2
  108. Bansheeta
  109. BarJet 3524
  110. Bat-A-Rang
  111. Bat-Jet
  112. Bee-Thirteen
  113. Beta Probe
  114. Big Baby Cherokee D3M1
  115. Big Baby Cherokee D3M2
  116. Big Baby Cherokee D3M3
  117. Big Blue Bird Zero
  118. Binary Star
  119. Black Brant III
  120. Black Hole Space Probe II
  121. Blackjack
  122. Black Rain
  123. Black Trided II
  124. Blimpie
  125. Blizzard of Id
  126. Blue Max
  127. Blue Sneek
  128. Blue Sneek 2
  129. Blue Sneek 29
  130. Blue Tail Jet
  131. Bobcat
  132. Bo-Maxximus Interceptor
  133. Brack Blant
  134. Brutus
  135. Buck Rogers Ship
  136. C

  137. Cadet
  138. Caesarus
  139. Callisto
  140. Cap Ship
  141. Capricorn Alpha
  142. Cargo Star Transport
  143. Carrier Wave
  144. Carrier Wedgie
  145. Caution Ribbon Special
  146. Centaur
  147. Centuri Mini-Max AEC
  148. Centuri Bulldog Dual 18mm
  149. Centuri Bulldog 24mm
  150. Centuri Excalibur 1.37X Upscale
  151. Centuri Micron Revised
  152. Centuri Micron 13mm
  153. Centuri Power Systems X-16
  154. Centuri Probe
  155. Centuri Starlifter (ORK Version)
  156. CenturiJet 1524
  157. Century 24.5
  158. Chadwick
  159. Challenger III
  160. Checkmate
  161. Cherokee 38
  162. Cherokee 324
  163. Cherokee 3838
  164. Cherokee DD-4
  165. Cherokee Double-D
  166. Cherokee Double-D 75
  167. Cherokee Double-J
  168. Cherokee-E
  169. Cherokee II
  170. Chronos-C
  171. Chuter-II Downscale 84%
  172. Chuter-II Standard for 13mm
  173. Chuter-II Upscale 148%
  174. Chutist
  175. Cirrus
  176. Clipper
  177. Clone Probe
  178. Cloud Chaser
  179. Cloud Scooter
  180. Cloud Seeker
  181. Cloud Splitter
  182. Cloud Tickler
  183. Cone Itchy Way
  184. Convair
  185. Cosmic Dart
  186. Cosmic Moon Ship
  187. Cosmic POO
  188. Cosmic Ray
  189. Cosmic Stargazer
  190. Crazy Bee II
  191. Crazy Diamond
  192. Crazy Train
  193. Crossbow
  194. Crusader
  195. CSL Douglas
  196. CSL Lightfoot
  197. CSL Lynne
  198. CSL Murray
  199. CSL Randolph
  200. Cuda
  201. Cygnus Probe
  202. D

  203. Dark Shot
  204. Dark Star
  205. Danger Will Robinson
  206. Dart
  207. DC Schnuck
  208. Dead Ringer
  209. Delta IV Medium+ 4,2 13mm
  210. Delta IV Medium+ 4,2 18mm
  211. Delta IV Medium+ 5,2 18mm
  212. Delta IV Heavy 18mm
  213. Delta Bee
  214. Delta Probe
  215. Deltoid
  216. Deltoid Starliner
  217. Der Dopple Max
  218. Der Gross V-3
  219. Deuce
  220. Deucey
  221. Diaper Loader
  222. Dirty Rice
  223. Discord Missile
  224. Doc Boy
  225. Dog Star
  226. Dominion Keeper
  227. Double Duty
  228. Downscale LOC Top Gunn
  229. Draggin’
  230. Dragon Seeker II
  231. Drakh Raider
  232. Drakken
  233. Ducted Ejection Design 24mm
  234. Duster
  235. E

  236. Eaglet
  237. Eclipse
  238. Educator A
  239. Educator B
  240. Educator C
  241. Eee-Nee-Prize
  242. Elantra
  243. Electro-Static
  244. Emperor Khufu
  245. Empyria
  246. EnerJet Egg Crate KE-4 (revised) 24mm
  247. EnerJet Egg Crate KE-4 (revised) 29mm
  248. En Garde
  249. Envoy
  250. Ephemera
  251. Epsilon III
  252. EPXFL-7
  253. Esquire
  254. Estes Firehawk 318
  255. Etruscan Star Cruiser
  256. Eugene’s Axe
  257. Exodus Explorer
  258. Exo-1
  259. Exoteria
  260. Extreme Wing
  261. F

  262. F-45 Fighter Jet
  263. F-77 Daydreamer
  264. Falconaire
  265. Falcon Rocket Racer
  266. Fandango Express
  267. Fireball 5000
  268. Firebird
  269. Firebrand ZBQM-111A
  270. Firefly 2X
  271. Firehawk 318
  272. Firestrike
  273. Flamethrower
  274. Flamsteed’s Folly
  275. Flash
  276. Fledgling
  277. Fleur de Lis
  278. Flis Ram Scoop Technology Demonstrator
  279. Flitter
  280. Flying Flea
  281. Foxhound
  282. Fragmailion
  283. Frontier Explorer
  284. Frontier Settler
  285. Fury
  286. G

  287. Galactic Goblin III
  288. Galactic Wanderer
  289. Galactic War Rat
  290. Geauxphur
  291. Genesis Device
  292. Gnarly
  293. Gnat
  294. Goblin 3D
  295. Golden Stitch
  296. Goon Ranger
  297. Gooncules
  298. Goonender
  299. GoonerJet 1340
  300. Gooney Corporal
  301. Goonix
  302. Goonjax
  303. Goony Cobra
  304. Goony Flare
  305. Goony Lance
  306. Goony O’Rhino
  307. Goony Pershing
  308. Goony Redstone
  309. Goony SCUD-B
  310. Goony X-15
  311. Goonyhog
  312. Gossamer Sparrow
  313. GQM-163A
  314. Green Megatron
  315. Grissy Bear
  316. Gryphon
  317. Gryphon 29
  318. GSS Horizon
  319. Guardian
  320. Guardian 13
  321. Guardian 18
  322. Guerrero
  323. H

  324. Haffa-Hoot
  325. Hammer Head
  326. Hatchet Goon
  327. Hawk
  328. Hawk II
  329. Hawker P1216
  330. Heat 1X
  331. Heeby Geeby
  332. Hi-Dart 13
  333. Hi-Five
  334. HLV with Apollo CSM
  335. Hole Puncher Mk I
  336. Hole Puncher Mk II
  337. Hole Puncher 13 Mk I
  338. Hole Puncher 13 Mk II
  339. Homeworld Defender
  340. Hornet
  341. Hornet V
  342. Horse Fly
  343. Hostile Intentions IV
  344. Hyper Loader
  345. I

  346. Iapetus
  347. Inquisitor
  348. Interceptus Maximus
  349. Interdictor Mk I
  350. Interdictor 224
  351. Interdictor 324
  352. Interdictor 424
  353. Interdictor 518
  354. Inter-Planetary Star Liner Antares
  355. Interstellar Cruise Liner
  356. Interstellar Traveler
  357. Intrepid
  358. Ion Explorer 13
  359. Ion Explorer 18
  360. Iracus One
  361. Iranian Missile (Qassed 3?)
  362. Iron Maiden Bomber
  363. Irr-Regulas 13
  364. Irr-Regulas 18
  365. Irr-Regulas VR
  366. J

  367. Jade Star
  368. Jiirax
  369. J-Loader
  370. Journeyman 1
  371. Jouster
  372. Junkpile Challenger
  373. Jupiter Express
  374. K

  375. Kilo-Dart
  376. King Croesus
  377. Kinglet
  378. Kitfox
  379. Klingon Battlecruiser
  380. Klingon Bird Of Prey
  381. Kryton
  382. Kwik-Chuter
  383. L

  384. Lamplighter
  385. Lancette
  386. Larkspur
  387. Laser Wolf 24
  388. Lawn Dart
  389. Leviathan
  390. Lighthawk Interceptor
  391. Lightning Bug
  392. Lipse Two
  393. Lil’ Battle Axe
  394. Lil’ Leaguer
  395. Lil’ Smoothie
  396. Lil’ Sport
  397. Lil’ Star Smasher
  398. Little Lander
  399. Little Sage Brush
  400. Loadmaster A
  401. Loadmaster B
  402. Lollypop
  403. Long Dart
  404. Longneck
  405. Loon-E Lander
  406. Looney Explorer
  407. Lunar Max
  408. Lunar Penetrator
  409. Lune R-1 Plus 1
  410. Lynx
  411. M

  412. M-4
  413. Mace
  414. Mach 1 Dart with RX-1 Thruster System
  415. Mach 9
  416. Magic Circle
  417. Manta Raven
  418. Marauder
  419. MARK III
  420. MARK IV
  421. Mars Voyager
  422. Marx Space Voyager
  423. Master Blaster
  424. MATaDor – Maxi Advanced Target Deuce
  425. Maxi Apogee I
  426. Maxi Apogee II
  427. Maxi Sparrow Dart
  428. Mean Streak
  429. Megadeth Bomber
  430. Megga Dogfighter
  431. Midi Loader
  432. MidiJet #4
  433. Minanimal
  434. Mini Alpha
  435. Mini Hammer Head
  436. Mini Hostile Intentions
  437. MiniJet #1
  438. MiniJet #2
  439. MiniJet #3
  440. MiniJet #4
  441. MiniJet #5
  442. MiniJet #6
  443. MiniJet #7
  444. MiniJet #8
  445. MiniJet #9
  446. MiniJet #10
  447. MiniJet #11
  448. MiniJet #12
  449. MiniJet #13
  450. MiniJet #14
  451. MiniJet #15
  452. Mini Kee
  453. Mini Krypton
  454. Mini Loader
  455. Mini Mega
  456. Minion
  457. Mini Ringer
  458. Minotaur
  459. Mite
  460. Mojo Rodja
  461. Moon Axe
  462. Moonbeam Express
  463. Multi Probe III
  464. Mutator
  465. Mystique
  466. My Toy Rocket
  467. N

  468. Nagus-X
  469. Narsil Sword 13
  470. Narsil Sword 18
  471. Nebula
  472. Nebula Rat II
  473. Nebulon
  474. Needle Point
  475. Needler
  476. Neptune Lander
  477. Neptune Probe
  478. New Terra Colony Ship
  479. “New Two-Stage Design”
  480. Nightmare
  481. Night S.H.A.D.O.
  482. Nightwind
  483. Nightwing
  484. Nike-Smoke 13
  485. No Tube Left Behind
  486. Nomad Explorer
  487. Nomadic Goon
  488. Non Aspera
  489. Norseman
  490. North Star
  491. Notta Payloader
  492. Nova
  493. Nu-B1ST
  494. Number 3
  495. NX Proto
  496. O

  497. Obscura
  498. Ocelot
  499. Omega Centauri Probe
  500. One Frigid Goon
  501. One Good Egg
  502. Orange Crush
  503. Orbit Star
  504. O’Rhino Goony
  505. Original Sin
  506. Orion Cruiser
  507. Outpost Voyager
  508. P

  509. Paragon
  510. Parallax
  511. Pathfinder
  512. Patrol Probe
  513. Penetrator
  514. Peregrine
  515. Perpetrator
  516. Phalanx
  517. Phobos V 13mm
  518. Phobos V 18mm
  519. Pioneer
  520. Pippen
  521. Plutonic Avenger
  522. Pochard
  523. Pointy Probe
  524. Pointy Thang
  525. Polaris Probe
  526. Pongo
  527. PQM-56
  528. Predator Advanced BGM-18M
  529. Premonition
  530. Privateer
  531. Probe Tau Aquarii
  532. Project Aerobee II
  533. Prometheus
  534. Prometheus 13
  535. Proteus
  536. Proto-Metric
  537. Prowler
  538. Pterodactyl
  539. Pterodactyl Mini
  540. Pug
  541. Pulsar
  542. Pulsar II
  543. Puma
  544. Punk 13
  545. Punk 18
  546. Punk 18 XL
  547. Punk 18 XXL
  548. Punk 24
  549. Purple Haze
  550. Q

  551. Quad-Ceptor
  552. Quasi-Dodo
  553. Quest Commander II
  554. Quill
  555. R

  556. Raiden
  557. Raider
  558. Rampage
  559. Rangefinder
  560. Rapier
  561. Razorback
  562. Red Arrow
  563. Redbird One
  564. Red Raider
  565. Regulus
  566. Regulas Probe
  567. Renegade
  568. Renegoon
  569. Retrograde
  570. Rhemus
  571. Rigel 9
  572. Rigellian Scout
  573. Ringer
  574. Ring Fin Thingy
  575. Ringleader
  576. Rip Roar
  577. Rocket #10
  578. Rocket #14
  579. Rocket #15
  580. Rocket #16
  581. Rocket #17
  582. Rogue Bear
  583. Rogue Dart
  584. Rook
  585. Rougish Lee
  586. Rogue Star
  587. S

  588. Sabre Dart
  589. Sabre Sled
  590. SAROS 13
  591. SAROS 18
  592. Satellite Hunter
  593. Saturn-Z
  594. Say Cheese
  595. Scarab
  596. Schmattiphatti
  597. Scimitaur
  598. Scorpion
  599. Scram Jett II
  600. Scrappy
  601. Scrappy II
  602. Seeker P-S
  603. Sensor Probe
  604. Sentinel-B
  605. Sergeant Goony
  606. Shadowfeet Interceptor
  607. Shadow Fox
  608. Shock Wave
  609. Shooting Star
  610. Short Dart
  611. Shuttle Exeter
  612. Side Show
  613. Sigma
  614. Silver Arrow
  615. Silver Bullet
  616. Silver Sleek
  617. Simple Simon
  618. Simple Twin
  619. Six Shooter
  620. Sizzler
  621. Skarro
  622. Sky Ace
  623. Sky Breaker
  624. Sky Captain W.A.M.
  625. Sky Captain W.A.M. II
  626. Sky Champ
  627. Sky Chieftain 2
  628. Sky-Fire
  629. Sky Fury
  630. Sky-Jack
  631. Sky Lance
  632. Sky Marshall
  633. Sky-Max
  634. Sky Phantom
  635. Sky Shadow 13
  636. Sky Shadow 18
  637. Sky Squirt
  638. Sky Wolf
  639. Sky Wraith
  640. Skyhawk
  641. Skylark Explorer
  642. Skylark Interceptor
  643. SlamJett II
  644. Slidewhistle
  645. SM-3
  646. SmallJet 313
  647. Smarty
  648. Snaggle Tooth
  649. Snark
  650. Sneeky
  651. Snitch
  652. Snitch 29
  653. Snitch 324
  654. Snowbird
  655. Solar Explorer III
  656. Solar Flare
  657. Solar Seeker
  658. Solar Seeker Transport
  659. Solarian
  660. Solaris
  661. Solarita
  662. Sol Prix Racer
  663. Sonar-7
  664. Sop-With-Butter Mini-Goony
  665. Soran’s Rocket
  666. Space Argo-C
  667. Space Argosy
  668. Space Cruiser Pacifica
  669. Space Eagle One
  670. Spaceman 2006
  671. Spacewoman 2006
  672. SpaceX Falcon-1
  673. Sparrow Dart
  674. Spartan ICBM
  675. Spear Tip
  676. Spear Tip II
  677. Specter I
  678. Spectral Queen
  679. Spectre
  680. Spike
  681. Spitfire 13A
  682. Spitfire 13B
  683. Spitfire 13C
  684. Spitfire 13D
  685. Spitfire 13E
  686. Sport Shot
  687. Sporty 13
  688. Sprite
  689. Sprint Park Flyer
  690. Squatch
  691. SRV Feynman
  692. SSRS-Lasor134
  693. Star Bloom
  694. Starchaser
  695. Stardust
  696. Stardust Voyager
  697. Star Empress
  698. Starfighter II
  699. Star Lancer
  700. Star Legionnaire
  701. Star Princess
  702. Star Ranger
  703. Star Runner
  704. Star Sabre
  705. Star Seeker
  706. Star Strike
  707. Star Wraith
  708. Starlight 7
  709. Starling
  710. Static Probe II
  711. Stealth
  712. Stellar Nomad
  713. Stellar Rebel
  714. Stellar Starfighter
  715. Step Fin
  716. Stiletto I
  717. Stiletto II
  718. Stimulator
  719. Sting Sword
  720. Stinger
  721. Storm Force
  722. Strange Magic
  723. Stratos
  724. Stratostar
  725. Stratus-K
  726. Streak
  727. Strega I
  728. Strega II
  729. Strike Six
  730. Stryker
  731. Stump Jumper
  732. Sunbird
  733. Sunquest Explorer
  734. Super Javelin
  735. Super Sky Raider 29
  736. Super Wizard
  737. Superior Flea
  738. Sure-Fire
  739. Swallow
  740. Swallow II
  741. Swift
  742. Swish
  743. Swizzle Pick
  744. Swizzle Stick
  745. Swordfish 1
  746. Synapse
  747. SLS Series

  748. SLS Aero-Dart 1964
  749. SLS Cloud Buster
  750. SLS Double Duty
  751. SLS 2.41X Lil’ Hi-G
  752. SLS EnerJet 2650
  753. SLS Ephemera
  754. SLS Hole Puncher
  755. SLS Lune R-1
  756. SLS Magnum-D Hornet
  757. SLS Nova
  758. SLS Tau Draconis
  759. SLS Tradewind
  760. SLS Tropospheric Explorer
  761. T

  762. Tappa Kegga Bru
  763. Tau Alpha
  764. Tau Astra
  765. Tau Astron Nomex
  766. Tau Beta
  767. Tau Borealis
  768. Tau Centauri
  769. Tau Cestius
  770. Tau Cygnus
  771. Tau Draconis
  772. Tau Eridani
  773. Tau JA-7 13mm
  774. Tau JA-7 18mm
  775. Tau-Nike 500
  776. Tau-Nike 750
  777. Tau Perseus
  778. Tau Pi-X
  779. Tau Pi-Y
  780. Tau Pleides
  781. Tau SJ-7
  782. Tau Tau
  783. Tau Trident
  784. Tau Vega
  785. Tau Velorum
  786. Tempest
  787. Terra Nova Probe
  788. Terra Probe
  789. Terra-Saur
  790. Terran Envoy
  791. Terra-X
  792. Thark F-52
  793. The Last Gun Star
  794. The Shredder
  795. Thingus I
  796. Tholean Scout
  797. Thumper
  798. Thunder Auk
  799. Thunder Dodo
  800. Thunder Goony
  801. Thunder Pig
  802. Thunder Star II
  803. Thunder Stick
  804. Thunder Stick
  805. Thunder Strike
  806. Thunder Twig
  807. Tiercel
  808. Tiger Tail
  809. Tigerwing
  810. Time Runner
  811. Titan Lander
  812. Torpedo II
  813. Tracker
  814. Tradesman
  815. Tradewind
  816. Trailblazer
  817. Tranquility I
  818. Tranquility VII
  819. Tranquility IX
  820. Tri-Magnum
  821. Triple Shot
  822. Triskeliceptor
  823. Triton II
  824. Tropospheric Explorer
  825. Tryton
  826. Tube Torpedo
  827. Tube Type
  828. Turbo Tron
  829. Turf Dart
  830. Tweedy Bee
  831. Tying Flyger
  832. Typhoon
  833. U

  834. Upscale Crazy Bee II
  835. Upscale Cargo Star Transport
  836. Upscale SCRAM
  837. USAF Mystery Missile
  838. V

  839. Vapor Trail II
  840. Vaquero
  841. Vector Wing
  842. Ventris
  843. Vesta
  844. Vindicator
  845. ViperJet 4256
  846. Vireo
  847. Volare’
  848. Vostakyre
  849. VR Loader
  850. VR Probe 118
  851. VR Probe 124
  852. Vulcan Shuttle
  853. Vulture
  854. W

  855. Walk Light
  856. Warp Drone
  857. Warp Nacelle
  858. WarpStar Earth Defender
  859. Wasp
  860. Wave Rider
  861. Wave Rider B
  862. Wave Rider Boost Vehicle
  863. Whippit
  864. Whippit-X
  865. Whirley Bird
  866. White Hourse RRL
  867. Widget
  868. Willit
  869. Willow
  870. Windrifter
  871. Windstream
  872. Winged Crusader
  873. Worm Loader
  874. X

  875. Xantros
  876. XF-13D Jaguar
  877. XPL Experimental
  878. XR-1
  879. XX-2
  880. XXVII
  881. Y

  882. Yellow Bird
  883. Yellow Jacket
  884. Young Clydenstine
  885. Z

  886. Zenith
  887. Zeta
  888. Zorchou

YASP (Yet Another Software Package)…

July 24, 2011

I’ve now added BRL-CAD to my list of software packages to learn…

Is there a method to this madness, or just madness in my method? Does anyone smell a pattern brewing? Or is that just a pot of hot caffeine?

Minor Notes…

July 5, 2011

Well, it’s still a slow time in the studio here in July. Nothing design-wise has been generated since the last entry, and I’m sure you’re tapping your feet waiting for new content. The coffee pot is being cleaned out of all the crud in the lines…

As mentioned in the previous post, I had two Windows machines remaining, while the others were running Ubuntu. I can now let you know one of those machines – the Win7 box – is now a fully-qualified Ubuntu 11.04 system; meaning I now have four out of five computers running a seriously fast OS. One of the two laptops (a dual-core AMD Turion) runs the x64 flavor, and I am suitably impressed.

The effort to learn Qt is progressing. I’m not totally comfortable with it yet, but it is much easier than it was a couple of months ago…


May 27, 2011

It’s been very quiet here in the design studio. Not completely dead, there’s always something happening; just not very much in the way of model design or building. Le Grande Fromage has instead been working on his Linux skills, installing Ubuntu on any machine he can find that isn’t already doing something important with Windows. There is one machine in the studio that runs Adobe Photoshop Elements and Corel Draw 12, a Windows Vista box that is operated remotely over the in-house network from a Windows 7 box. At present, this is the only reason (excuse?) for keeping Windows on either of these two machines.

What is brewing in the coffee pot is an effort to learn the Qt environment, and the tools available for creating software with it, namely Designer (for the GUI), and Creator (for the code). Qt is the library-du-jour for RockSim, so getting a better understanding of how it ticks is good practice.

The last build in the studio was the Night SHADOW design, and all it needs is glider trimming and finishing. There hasn’t been time to conduct flight tests yet, not that the weather has cooperated much. It’s been extremely dry and hot on the Gulf Coast this year. We are officially over 12″ below normal rainfall at this point. Not even a passing thunder-boomer has brought enough rain to amount to much. That leaves the flying field dangerously crisp and crunchy, and it’s not worth the risk to go out and attempt a launch yet. A couple of good, drenching rain days are a must.

Catalog List Update

January 7, 2011

“You might be a redneck if… you cut your grass and find a car lot…”

The grass around BARCLONE has been getting a bit high, and it was time to get whacking before it took over completely. The exercise located nearly 50 designs that had slipped from sight. Our new list has 882 entries, of which 25 do not have their links fully qualified. New RockSim files will be generated for these designs and then connected into the list.

Click here to download: BARCLONE 2011 Catalog

New Features For 2011

December 31, 2010

I am beginning to generate Corel Draw 10 burn patterns for balsa and matteboard fin sheets to go along with these designs. It will take some time to create masters for over 800 model rockets, so be sure to check our first-post site [ Ye Olde Rocket Forms in the BARCLONE | Designer’s Studio section ] to find which ones are now ready.

Contact SEMROC Astronautics for prices [ very reasonable!].

The Next Six

November 27, 2010

Triple Shot

Triple Shot by Feyd


Arrow by C. P. McGraw

Binary Star

Binary Star by C. P. McGraw


Haffa-Hoot by C. P. McGraw


Minion by C. P. McGraw


Stratostar by C. P. McGraw